The Foundation for Global Human Dignity works to ensure all global citizens are free in the exercise of their fundamental rights
FGHD pursues programs focused on individuals in marginalised communities, in raising awareness about human rights, and examining the impact of particular actions or circumstances on the rights of people. Our focus is on global communities and influences that impact individual rights. We are people focused, because when one person has the full extent of their rights the whole community is stronger. We believe that dignity of the person is secured when they are not the victim of corrupt practice, humiliation, or violence.

FGHD collaborates with its founding organisation BCI on minority community policy and anticorruption education.
The foundation is collaborating with BCI on EU minority community policy, specifically EU Roma policy and the impact of member state commitments to the Romany peoples of Europe. With expertise in Roma community development the foundation leverages BCI’s expert pool of governance and political experts in its work.
In addition to minority community policy, the foundation is developing a school based anti-corruption curriculum to advance awareness among youth of the impact of corrupt practices. Global youth are heavily impacted by corrupt practices in education and health systems. Nepotism and bribery limits merit based educational and employment entry and advancement. Corrupt practices rob individuals of dignity, and become oppressive systems that lead to more egregious violations of human rights.
A not-for-profit with a lot of experience
FGHD draws on a community of experts and supporters in its work. Our talent pool is derived from every corner of the world and our experiences are numerous. Our founders at BCI lend their expertise in the fields of international development, governance, and politics. Our collaborations bring the best of a global community of professionals in the fields of social policy and inclusion, minority community development, governance, education, and so much more. Most importantly, our work is guided by the most experienced of people – those who struggle to assert or claim their rights. They understand the impacts of corrupt practices, how marginalization affects generations, who recognize the many insidious forms of gender/sexual orientation/ race-based discrimination, and, pay the price of elite led policy decisions.
The foundation is grateful for the many contributors who have committed to its work. We work for a better world, a secure future, and rights-based communities that are prosperous and diverse. Global, human, and dignity are not just words in our name they are what inspires us.