Recode your life by SOS


SOS Children’s Villages has launched a programme where we offer English, programming, skills and personality development sessions for children in care and disadvantaged children. We are specifically looking for children who have learning difficulties and struggle to stay in the school system. A total of 100 SOS and non-SOS children are participating in the 1-year programme. Through the programme, we want to help them regain their motivation to learn. We will give them useful skills that will help them to enter the labour market. We also want to help children who have been difficult or impossible to reach to rediscover their potential and skills. The Foundation for Global Human Dignity is implementing the programme through a competitive call for proposals.
The programme has been extended, and as part of this we have also undertaken to set up and run the Afterschool Geekery network.


Short videos about Afterschool Geekery

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